Mental Health Journey

Gut feelings

Gut feelings or first thoughts on a decision, person or situation can be challenging to act upon. It is hard to navigate expectations we have on ourselves and expectations that others have on us, add gut feelings to the mix and decision making becomes much harder than it needs to be.

The power is in your hands.

The Leatherhead (Surrey) based Mary Frances Trust have just published a fantastic must-read blog post on Trust Your Gut: Stress & the Vagus Nerve articulating how our thoughts link to our stomach because of the Vagus Nerve. Author of the article Kat, the Trusts’ Mental Health Safeguarding and Clinical Supervision Lead, clarified that breathing out slowly can help regulate stress.

Personal development is important, so knowing what our instincts are telling us is a valuable skill. A skill that needs to be nurtured to varying levels depending on the individual. This is something I struggle with, as my gut feelings could lead to uncertainty, which my Autism is not a fan of, yet my anxiety is like, ‘trust me’. Trusting your gut can be challenging, but can lead to some beautiful outcomes. For example, not taking a job that tied me to the family home gave me the opportunity to move out and be independent. Therefore it is worth paying attention to our gut feelings.

Go gently and Stay Fruity,

Real Rubens

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