EmployAbility, Podcasts!

Podcasts! 1 of 3: Reconnecting To The Community

Professionally, I help people with a disability secure volunteering and employment. I branched out to work with Choices Waves which is an exciting broadcasting station supporting people to learn skills for employment.

Kerry Brown and I discussed ‘Reconnecting: Transitioning from lockdown and being locked in to re-emerging and #reconnecting to the community.’

This podcasts reflects on expectations (masks, perception of covid, what to say if you’re not wearing a mask at rigid venues, and touches on anxiety), how to overcome potential hurdles (masks now optional, ask for help, plan to visit less busy shops through quieter routes, remember the benefits of reconnecting) and tips (regain your routine, re-explore at your own pace, share your preferences, write down your goals, it’s ok to cancel and try to be a friend to yourself).

Hopefully this helps #tackle taboo topics like #disability and #mentalhealth.
