
8. Controlling everything:

Life is full of opportunities,

If only high expectations made it into reality.

When something is NOT worth a mention,

TAKE AWAY its power and refocus your attention.

Happiness is having everything at your fingertips,

But be careful not to go overboard and keep your wits.

Its magnetic, majestic and mystic to [know everything,]

If only time didn’t rob us of knowledge like a decaying falcon wing.

Technology can do MARVELS,

but if it doesn’t do what you want, try not to loose your marbles.

It can cut out admin, increase strategy and capacity

Visualise the potential, visualise the clarity.


Emotions can be a source of a waste of time,

Learn to control them, regulate them, hide them, avoid being that sour lime.

Expand your awareness, GET OUT of your bubble,

Make the effort, it may save you some trouble.

It’s intoxicating to lay with control,

She seems like a fair maiden ‘til she stops making you lol.

Pick your battles,

And I pray, one day, you will remove all your shackles.

#expectations #emancipation #time


7. The Homeless Samaritan:

Youth and social workers are worth their weight in gold,

Big up for few youth centres standing brave and bold.

In glory one can bask,

But at the day’s end one must ask,

Did I love enough?

Did I laugh enough?

Did I make a difference?

Did I make the RIGHT inference?

Life is the strongest cup of coffee [keepin’ you wired]

Here are a FEW things where talent is NOT required;

Being on time

Having and a good attitude and not making a whine,

A positive work ethic,

Having energy in no deficit,

EFFORT and going the extra mile,

Showing good body language

And avoid being that pile.

Having the courage to show YOUR passion,

Being PREPARED and packing that extra ration.

Listen to your coach,

And forget being a big bad boast.

Ourselves are a cause that warrants putting our time in,

When that’s the case we’d be thriving, driving and socialising,

If only putting ourselves first was enough,

We can help others, but for US, that can be rough.

#youdoyou #options #passion #energy #flavour #stayfruity


6. The Chauffeur: Life’s blessings


Imagine talking to someone who understands you fully

They make you forget about YOUR DOUBTS, worries and the bullies.

Like happiness, you’d do well to embrace these feelings,

These people have the potential to take your crutches away and GET you wheelin’.

You know deep down, the way they think warrants RESPECT,

Keep THESE channels open, THESE relationships will pay dividends; you can bet.

Worth their weight in gold these interactions are,

Forget your materials, forget your nice car.

You CAN’T take these people away.

When you’re asked to do something you don’t want to, say nay.

Forget everything, keep your circle close and tight,

Watch yourself grow, LET other people bite,

Exercise your righteous might,

And do what YOU think is morally right.

#gratitude #support #network #mentor #sharing #knowledge #thankyouRik #stayfruity

Thank you everyone, hopefully this has spread some good energy.


5. The Influencer –

People have the power to be who ever they want,
to be calm, considered and collected.
Some may be ignorant, some may taunt,
Think about the message in which you’ve invested.

Gratitude, appreciation and moral obligations are lifelong skills,
If only being a good person could pay the bills,
‘This is the way things work around here’,
If you hear this phrase, you may find it helpful to stay well clear.

Everyone has a journey.
And everyone deserves respect,
Always avoid violence, no one needs to end up on a gurney.
Reel-in the emotions, or you may get checked.

Criticise, anyone can,
Try to understand the path other people ran,
You may learn something new,
Which may be the choice with more revenue.

Also on YouTube

Please do join the community by subscribing to my blog and YouTube channel if you haven’t already

#pick your #battles #wisely #trialanderror #removingnegativity #choices #keepingitreal #stayfruity


4. All Aboard: The Hamster Wheel –

Well hello there!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!

Do you see the cycles? Try not to stare.

Do you see people leaving?

The beginning of the rest of your life starts now,

Do you know what that means? Do you know how?

Listen, listen, listen is the advice you may get,

That can be fine, just avoid the ket.

Open your eyes,

And be ready to say good-byes.

You’ll love being with like-minded people,

I dare you, take a leap-for-all.

Churning as part of the system till it rusts,

You can hear the critics, you can hear them cuss,

Options, options, options have the potential to be good,

See a negative fire, do your best to give it no wood.

Welcome to the end of worrying,

Because tomorrow never comes and the now is for flourishing.

#potential #youdoyou #escape #momentum #character #interactions #cycles

Also on YouTube –