Ability not disability, Mental Health Journey, Neurodiversity at work

Disability no longer requires diagnosis for Equality Act 2010 protections

Employee Benefits’ Webber wrote the definition of disability under the Equality Act is a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on their ability to carry out daily activities. Webber added an employment tribunal has ruled that stress can be considered disability without a formal mental health diagnosis from a doctor.

This is a huge development for neurodiversity, people’s rights, mental health and protection in the workplace. The implication is that protection can be accessed without facing the barrier of a waiting list for diagnosis. The statistics capture 1/4 have mental health, however given the rise in neurodiversity, undiagnosed conditions and generational trauma, this figure may be as high as 3/4 of people have mental health. Therefore, knowing what protection is available is paramount to maintaining employee rights in the workplace.

In the face of growing pressure at work at all levels, what steps are you willing to take for your rights to be upheld?

Stay You, Stay Fruity.

Real Rubens

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