Ability not disability, Blog, Mental Health Journey

Holidays – a blessing or curse?

A holiday can be a break from work.

Staying at home in the UK like peak/lake district, Cornwall, Devon, Scotland.

Or abroad in Spain, Turkey, the Canary Islands, Disney Land, Thailand or Australia.

Owner of NeuroDivergent Rebel, Lyric writes how holidays can be unattractive to people with autism due to social pressure.

This was an interesting idea that I reflected on, and agree with. Holidays are less about time off and more about consuming, spending and arguably, waste. For example, gifts that are binned, resold or simply unwanted. Therefore gift giving has become a bit of a tick box exercise which we have been conditioned to engage in to express ‘love’, conveniently at the benefit of retailers, and the tax man.

It would be nice if socialisation included how to spend our leisure time, instead of being taught to ‘want more’, live a more flamboyant ‘lifestyle’ or upgrade our car. Therefore it is unsurprising to feel uncomfortable when outside of the traditional ‘9-5 work’ remit.

Let’s challenge the status quo.

Stay brave, Stay Fruity.

Ps. also on holiday at the moment, and for the most part, having a good time.

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