
Music and remote work. A saving grace.

Having attention deficit, or being easily distracted can make it hard to do anything. Particularly work when it is the less exciting tasks. One way to concentrate on tasks is by listening to music. Another way is to work remotely, this way distractions are minimal and empowerment may be felt more genuinely. The modern workforce has called for an increase in remote work (Jackson, 2022).

Music lets you focus. It does this by increasing motivation to make the work seem more exciting and easier to start and see through. Being motivated enough is important for meeting our day to day responsibilities.

Tunes improve enjoyment. Making the difficult manageable, music allows for a mood boost. This mood boost can increase productivity. Using music as a remote worker can be a great tactic to being able to meet targets.

Sometimes work can provide hurdles. Hurdles can take time to process. Music can speed up the time needed to process events by shifting mindset and unlocking perspective. When music unlocks perspective it becomes easier to recover from challenging events, and situations.

Working remotely can be challenging. Music makes the insurmountable bite sized. By breaking down or compartmentalising tasks, music helps us reach our potential. There’s rarely a time when music is unhelpful, and if it is, perhaps you’re listening to the wrong genre.

Stay Plugged In, Stay You, Stay Fruity.

Real Rubens

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