
🙌A reflection of Supported Employment đź’ˇ

đź‘‹ Following my review of Support Work where I shared I identified with some of the behaviours the clients demonstrated, I was eager to help other people navigate these challenges at work. Filtering, masking, self-monitoring, fitting in, takes a lot of effort, and can be unsuccessful. I saw it as my mission to help people navigate and capitalise on their neurodiversity at work.

Supported Employment is special, it fosters commitment, inspires customer focus and the feeling when seeing people make steps in their journey into employment is out of this world. Supporting someone with a disability into employment is an extremely empowering and fulfilling process.

Supported Employment brought me plenty of satisfaction. The role allowed me the opportunity to coach others with employment and sometimes life more generally like their independence through travel training. It also justified the challenges I faced at university (struggling to see how strategic theory materialised into a role I could do right away).

Throughout my tenure, I continued to learn a lot about myself and my needs. I tried to improve myself. I expanded my support network. I engaged in new projects.

I continued to enjoy learning and development aspects. I designed and delivered creative resources for the people we supported but also lead employer engagement inductions. I will reiterate how I am focused on a journey of self-discovery, testing environments and people to reach my potential. 🤝

🎇 One element that surpassed my expectations was the quality of relationships I was able to develop over time. I now see this is something that comes naturally with the right people and right communication. 🪞 In my new role I look forward to championing and growing alongside young people. 📶

Finally, here’s an awesome video link to a TikTok by Ben McIntosh on his summary of Support Work shared by Mark Topps on Linkedin.

Thank you for your interest and readership. đź“–

#StayTuned #StayYouStayFruity #ActionOverWords

Real Rubens

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