Blog, Relationships, Role Models, Volunteering

Give back, give blood: Alternative volunteering and saving lives –

Did you know you can donate blood at 17? I didn’t!

Giving blood is so important, 4,300 daily donations are required to meet the needs of hospitals and patients. 140,000 people are needed to donate blood for the first time this year. A donation can save up to 3 lives in 1 hour.

Booking and donating on the day is quick and easy with lots of local mobile and static donation venues. You’re well looked after and are likely to feel rewarded after giving back. The snacks are nice too!

Gloria’s story stood out to me, highlighting how “15,000 people in the UK are affected by sickle cell and more than 300 babies are born with the condition each year”. Helpful points from the article:
– Sickle cell being an inherited blood disorder where red blood cells can get caught and block blood flow.
– Many sickle cell patients have the Ro blood subtype 10x more common in people of African and Caribbean descent so donations from black people are vital.
– 12,000 new Black heritage donors are needed to meet the GROWING demand for ethnically matched blood for sickle cell patients who need regular transfusions to stay alive.

Book a blood donation appointment today, or accompany someone to their appointment to help out and make a day of it! Thank you for caring.

If you’re already a donor, you can leave useful feedback here.

Statistics from and here are resources for Key Stage 1 to 5.

Stay Fruity,

Real Rubens.

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